We had found out that giving our toddler honey at night helped her not to cough and allow her to sleep soundly. We started with one hive for the fresh honey. 11 years later we have 150 hives – give or take a few on any given time of year as any experienced beekeeper will tell you. Donovan took a 5-year Master Beekeeper course through the Texas Apiary Inspection Service achieving the Master Level. Today, we make and sell Texas honey’s, make home-made soap with the beeswax that we harvest and make Regular Creamed honey and several delectable flavors of creamed honey.
Donovan is currently grafting queens (seasonal), making Nucs and loves to help other beekeepers with issues with their hives. Donovan will come to your home and do a hive inspection for a small fee, within close proximity of the house. Providing Nucs during the summer months as well. Give us a call for your Bees needs.
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The girls helping out filling creamed honey jars.
We entered the TX Beekeepers Association Creamed honey contest in 2019 – We received First place along with our daughter (Sarah) taking 3rd place, which lead us to winning The Best in Show in the sideliner category as well.
Our bees making Comb honey -a high demand product !